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Hey cliff, good to see that GSB is alive and well.

Id like to bring to your attention the campaign from the original Gratuitous Space Battles game, and why right now it's in an unplayable state. The deployments aren't handled correctly anymore, and we always fight the same formation no matter what we do. It would be awesome if the mode got formations from a folder, in an offline format. I think it would be the easiest fix

Not to complain, but it is a product we paid for that is currently broken. We would really appreciate your response on this matter over there! :]


I'm looking into it but I think its actually a server problem :( something to do with php versions, which is super annoying because changing the php version might break other stuff. It runs on a super old version of php, which is apparently security vulnerable.

Hopefully I can work out what it is. I cant actually find the client source code right now, which is a bit of a disaster, so I'm hoping to fix it server side.

This space game was actually written ground-up from scratch, without the GSB source...


i know it's a super old game but man conquest was so fun and I am craving to play it if it gets fixes. Loving the look of shooty as well!

Yes +100 to this! I cant believe there's someone who still plays the old game! its a diamond in the rough for sure

(1 edit) (+2)

Cliff, I beat your game so there


But under a million score?  Do better :D.


What’s your record? That will be my goal!


Hey is this an early release or would you consider this 1.0?


I'd say its version 1.0. Its playable and pretty balanced. I might update it later though!

Perfect! How can I request a key for coverage? 

email me at!


Looks good! If at some point, you fancy making a Linux build you can have my money :-)


[Searches for a like button to click. Can't find one, but clicks it anyway]


Well lookit what we have here.